Crypto Blogging Award 2016 posted May 2017
I spent a lot of time reading this blogpost today and thought to myself: this is a great blog post. If there was a blogging award for security/crypto blogposts this would probably be the front runner for 2017.
But I can't really blog about it, because we're still waiting for a lot more good blog posts to come this year.
So what I decided to do instead, is to go through all the blog posts that I liked last year (it's easy, I have a list here) and find out which ones stood out from the rest.
please do not get offended if yours is not in there, I might have just missed it!
How does a blog post make it to the list? It has to be:
- Interesting. I need to learn something out of it, whatever the topic is. If it's only about results I'm generally not interested.
- Pedagogical. Don't dump your unfiltered knowledge on me, I'm dumb. Help me with diagrams and explain it to me like I'm 5.
- Well written. I can't read boring. Bonus point if it's funny :)
So here it is, a list of my favorite Crypto-y/Security blogposts for the year of 2016:
- The amazing series of Thai Duong's The Internet of Broken Protocols. Don't read the answer right away, try to solve them yourself, it's fun :)
- Crypto Classics: Wiener's RSA Attack. The explanation is top notch. If I could have something like that for every crypto attack I would know everything.
- The most incredible hiding-in-the wild backdoor found: OpenSSL key recovery attack on DH small subgroups (CVE-2016-0701) (it also merged into a paper and was nominated in the pwnie awards).
- Adam Langley on Cryptographic Agility which shows a lot of the arguments behind TLS 1.3's design.
- BearSSL and many of its documentation pages (yes I know, these are not blog posts but they read like blog posts).
- Filippo with his explanation (and finding) of the pen and paper Bleichenbacher 2006 signature forgery
- The hilarious Graphing when your Facebook friends are awake. (Not really crypto.)
- Another hilarious post: Playing games with an attacker: how I messed with someone trying to breach the CryptoWall tracker. (Again, more security than crypto.)
- All the blogposts on Matthew Green's blog. The one on Sweet32, the iMessage attack, the DROWN attack, ...
- The Goldreich–Goldwasser–Halevi (GGH) Cryptosystem and Nyguen’s Attack by Kelby Ludwig. Will teach you about lattices, a lattice-based cryptosystem and an attack while showing you how to see these things in Sage.
- The Hunting For Vulnerabilities in Signal series by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Markus Vervier.
- The excellent Cloudflare blog has many crypto blog posts, for example this article by Filippo on TLS nonce-nse
- A Survival Guide to a PhD.
- Literally everything on the blog of Stephane Bortzmeyer (warning: it's in french).
- The crypto work of Quarkslab. Here's their analysis of Confide.
- Ransomware: Past, Present, and Future. I haven't read this one but it seems so complete I couldn't not include it :)
Did I miss one? Make me know in the comments :]
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