david wong

Hey! I'm David, cofounder of zkSecurity and the author of the Real-World Cryptography book. I was previously a crypto architect at O(1) Labs (working on the Mina cryptocurrency), before that I was the security lead for Diem (formerly Libra) at Novi (Facebook), and a security consultant for the Cryptography Services of NCC Group. This is my blog about cryptography and security and other related topics that I find interesting.

How does PLONK work? Part 1: What's PLONK? posted August 2021

I recently got into general-purpose zero-knowledge proof systems (cryptographic primitives that allow you to prove the execution of a program without revealing some of the inputs), specifically the state-of-the-art PLONK proof system. This is a series of video I made to explain what I understood and learned in the past few months. There might be some inaccuracies, so I apologize in advance for that. You can check all the videos via the playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUZcam_jrz0&list=PLBJMt6zV1c7Gh9Utg-Vng2V6EYVidTFCC

In this first video, I simply explain what general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs are, specifically zk-SNARKs, and what PLONK is.

Part 2 is here.

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