Weblang posted April 2014
I've been writing html, xhtml, and now html5 for ages. I think I started in 2001 (13 years ago).
I had to go through <br>
becoming <br />
becoming <br>
I had to go through different doctypes
I had to go through new divs like <header>
and <footer>
But I never had to go through a syntax change. Why is that? I don't understand why HTML is a language based on tags. It is unnecessary and it just adds time and confusion to typing in html. I haven't ran into any project directed at changing that syntax. And I thought, why not doing it myself? (and if there is already such a project please tell me!)
So I thought about a new language to write static web pages called web
or weblang
. No tags. Indentation. Simple doctype.
A simple index.web
would looks like that:
\web:1 // this is a doctype
$title: 'Weblang example';
$css: 'css/app.css';
$header .monheader{
$h1 "Weblang";
$section #introduction{
$h2 "What is Weblang?";
$p "Weblang is an elegant way of writing static webpages"
"HTML is annoying to write." // there will be a breakline here
what about just writing text like this,
it's kinda easier
// what about just writing text
This is a text block, it will just render as text
in this text I want a list here : $ul{
$li "with text in it";
$ul .links{
$a "more info" href: 'https://github.com/mimoo/weblang';
$li $a{
tags can be chained
$javascript 'js/jquery.js';
$script 'js/script.js' type: 'javascript';
This is just a first draft. The biggest problem is that plain text and code is mixed. The trick I used here is to use $ to tell the render engine that it is not plaintext. Might not be super clever. I need to brainstorm a bit more about this.
Also I need to look at sass' code to see how a compiler works. Seems to be a bunch of regex.
You should check out jade http://jade-lang.com/ (especially if you're still looking at node.js). I've found it much more readable and powerful than html.
wow, pretty nice! I'm going to look into that.
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