Advances in permutation-based cryptography posted August 2018
I will be talking about modern session encryption at the Advances in permutation-based cryptography workshop in Milan in October. The program looks quite interesting with talks on Xoodoo, Gimli and others.
I'll personally introduce sponge constructions, Strobe and Disco:
Today, SSL/TLS is the de-facto standard for encrypting communication. While its last version (1.3) is soon to be released, new actors in the field are introducing more modern and better designed protocols. This talk is about the past, the present and the future of session encryption. We will see how TLS led the way, how the Noise protocol framework allowed the standardization of more modern and targeted protocols and how the duplex construction helped change the status quo.
" the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox" Love the LOTR reference
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