david wong

Hey! I'm David, cofounder of zkSecurity and the author of the Real-World Cryptography book. I was previously a crypto architect at O(1) Labs (working on the Mina cryptocurrency), before that I was the security lead for Diem (formerly Libra) at Novi (Facebook), and a security consultant for the Cryptography Services of NCC Group. This is my blog about cryptography and security and other related topics that I find interesting.

The trap of the top-down approach posted 2 days ago

As a security consultant you're most of the time forced to do something that no developers do: you're forced to become an expert in a codebase without writing a single line of code, and that in a short amount of time.

But let me say that it's of course not entirely true that you should not write code. I actually think part of understanding something deeply means playing with it. Researchers know that very well, as they spend a lot of their time implementing the papers they're trying to understand, asking themselves questions about the subject they're studying ("what would happen if I look in a mirror while traveling at the speed of light?"), doing written exercises like we used to do in Math classes. So as a consultant, you of course benefit from playing with the code you're looking at.

But that's not what I want to talk about today. What I want to talk about is how flawed the top-down approach is. I know it very well because this is how I audited code for way too long. And it's only when I realized, looking at the people that were inspiring me throughout my career, that the pros don't do that. The pros do bottom-up.

What's wrong with top-down though? I think the problem is that it's a trap and a time sink that brings very little benefit. The ROI is rapidly diminishing as you usually do very little deep work when surveying things from a high-level point of view, and can easily get the feeling of being busy when really what you're doing is spending time learning about things that won't matter eventually.

What matters is the core, the actual nitty gritty details, the algorithms implemented. What I've seen every talented engineer do when they want to dive into some code is to spend a lot of time in one place, focusing on understanding and mastering a self-contained part of the codebase.

Once they understand it, then they move to another part of the code, increasing their scope and their understanding of the project. By doing that several time, you quickly realize you know more than everybody, including some of the developers behind the code you're looking at. Not only that, it is only when you do that deep work in one place that you can accumulate real knowledge and that you end up finding good bugs.

Perhaps a last note on the top-down approach: it's a much more relaxed and rewarding process. You can really feel like you're never really learning important knowledge when you spent too much time at a high-level, and you can also easily feel overwhelmed that you'll never have the time to look at everything.

This is very human: if you could see any large project from a bird’s-eye view, you would quickly get discouraged and want to give up before even starting. Imagine a marathon runner visualizing the entirety of what they have to run while they're running their first 10 minutes. This is what they tell you not to do!

The bottom-up approach gives you the illusion that the scope you're looking at is not that big, and so as you focus on what's in front of you you can be more productive by not being distracted by the enormity of the project. And it's more fun as well!

This is somehow related but I've always thought that telling you all about the context of a story instead of showing it to you, in books or in movies, is lazy writing. I've always criticized the long textual intros of StarWars movies that take that idea to the extreme, and I've never understood why they kept that gimmick in all other StarWars movies in spite of being the IP's signature is also one of its worse features. That's an extreme top-down approach! Boring!

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