I won't link to the article because it's just a plain DOX and way too creepy for my blog, but the creator of bitcoin has been found.
A video I found about Elliptic Curve Cryptography that talks about the Discreet Logarithm Problem and the Diffie-Hellman Handshake with ECCs. Class is in english, with bits of german and even some french :)
Such a nice lecture, Christof Paar makes me think of a younger Gilbert Strang, seems to be a great professor. I was captivated until the end and I started liking ECCs again :)
Great lecture from Matt Whitlock, the video's quality is a bit off but the talk is really easy to understand and nicely paced.
And you can tell right away that he's a great educator: "I'll explain first why we use ECC, because in general I don't really understand things when I don't know how they're important" (not the exact words but you get the idea).
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This ingenious website proposes to make your users mine through a javascript script. It doesn't seem to be heavy, so pretty discreet, and it also doesn't seem to work yet. But the idea is pretty cool!
Check it out here:

You liked dogecoin? Well now there is Nyan Coin (yes with the nyancat!)
here it is :
A teacher from my uni (and who was teaching Programming last semester) is organizing a Hacking Week next week. Signs up are still possible there :
It should be a Capture The Flag kind of contest. It should be interesting, although I'm going to ski with some friends so I won't be able to be really into it...
Bitcore seems to be an opensource node application that lets you deal with the bitcoin protocole easily (they give as exemple an function to validate a bitcoin address)
More info here
We’re proud to introduce BitHack, an online hackathon open for all developers who want to create something great with bitcoin.
No 24h time limit. No pain. Yes, with $18,000 in prizes..
more info