david wong

Hey! I'm David, cofounder of zkSecurity and the author of the Real-World Cryptography book. I was previously a crypto architect at O(1) Labs (working on the Mina cryptocurrency), before that I was the security lead for Diem (formerly Libra) at Novi (Facebook), and a security consultant for the Cryptography Services of NCC Group. This is my blog about cryptography and security and other related topics that I find interesting.

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Browser End-to-End Encryption posted November 2018

LiveOverflow recently pushed a video about Nadim Kobeissi's last paper. It is quite informative and invite to the discussion: can an end-to-end encryption app served by a webserver be secure? If you haven't seen the video, go watch it. It gives a good explanation of something that is actually quite simple. Here's someone's opinion on unnecessary complicated papers:

I have seen this kind of things happen quite often in the cryptography and security community. While some companies are 100% snake oils, some others do play on the border with their marketing claims but very real research. For example, advances in encrypted databases are mostly pushed by companies while attacks come from researchers not happy with their marketing claims. But this is a story for another time.

Back to the question: can we provide end-to-end encryption with a web app? There are ways yes. You can for example create a one-page javascript web application, and have the client download it. In that sense it could be a "trust on first use" kind of application, because later you would only rely on your local copy. If you want to make it light, have the page use remotely served javascript, images, and other files and protect manipulations via the subresource integrity mechanism of web browsers (include a hash of the file in the single-page web app). It is not a "bad" scenario, but it's not the flow that most users are used to. And this is the problem here. We are used to access websites directly, install whatever, and update apps quickly.

If you look at it from the other side, are mobile applications that more secure? While the threat model is not THAT different, in both of these solutions (thanks Nik Kinkel and Mason Hemmel for pointing that out to me) no specific targetting can happen. And this is probably a good argument if you're paranoia stops at this level (and you trust the app store, your OS, your hardware, etc.) Indeed, a webapp can easily target you, serving a different app depending on the client's IP, whereas mobile apps need the cooperation of the App store to do that. So you're one level deeper in your defense in depth.

What about Signal's "native" desktop application? Is it any better? Well... you're probably downloading it from their webserver anyway and you're probably updating the app frequently as well...

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EmbeddedDisco posted November 2018

Here's EmbeddedDisco!

I've been implementing the Disco protocol in C. It makes sense since Disco was designed specifically for embedded devices. The library is only 1,000 lines-of-code, including all the cryptographic primitives, and does everything the Go implementation does except for signing.

If you don't know what Disco is, it's a cryptographic library that allows you to secure communications (like TLS) and to hash, encrypt, authenticate, derive keys, generate random numbers, etc.

Check it out here. It's experimental. I'd be happy to receive any feedback :)

It's not as plug-and-play as the Golang version. There are no wrappers yet to encrypt, authenticate, hash, derive keys, etc. and I haven't made a decision as to what algorithm I should support for signatures (ed25519 with strobe? Or Strobe's Schnorr-variant with Curve25519?)

So it's mostly for people who know what they're doing for now.

Don't let that deter you though! I need people to play with it in order to improve the library. If you need help I'm here!


About Disco (again) posted October 2018

I was in Milan two weeks ago presenting on Disco at Advances in permutation-based cryptography. I prepared a few figures to show the current state of Disco.

The funny one is this realistically proportional figure where the areas of the different circles are representing the number of lines-of-code of each libraries.

Disco lines of code

The C library is currently awful, so I won't link to it until I get it to a prettier place, but as a proof of concept it shows that this can be achieve in a mere 1,000 lines-of-code. That while supporting the same functionalities of a TLS library and even more. The following diagram is the dependency graph or "trust graph" of an implementation of Disco:

Disco trust graph

As one can see, Disco relies on Strobe (which further relies on keccak-f) for the symmetric cryptography, and X25519 for the asymmetric cryptography. The next diagram shows the trust graph of a biased TLS 1.3 implementation for comparison:

This was done mostly for fun, so I might be missing some things, but you can see that it's starting to get more involved. Finally, I made a final diagram on what most installations actually depend on:

In this one I included other versions of TLS, but not all. I also did not include their own trust graph. Thus, this diagram is actually less complex that it could be in reality, especially knowning that some companies continue to support SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0.

I've also included non-cryptographic things like x509 certificates and their parsers, because it is a major dependency which was dubbed the most dangerous code in the world by M. Georgiev, S. Iyengar, S. Jana, R. Anubhai, D. Boneh, and V. Shmatikov.


Encrypting a file posted September 2018


Encrypting a file is hard. I often need to do it to protect confidential data before sending it to someone. Besides PGP (yerk) there doesn't seem to be any light tools to do that easily. The next best option is often to have a common messaging app like Signal. So I made my own. It's called Eureka and it's available in binaries or if you have Golang installed on your device, directly by doing this:

$ go get github.com/mimoo/eureka

It's also 100 LOC. It's just doing a simple job that seems to be missing from most default tooling.


Want to implement something fun today? posted September 2018

You should try to implement Disco!

Disco is a specification that once implemented allows you to encrypt sessions (like TLS) and encrypt, authenticate, hash, generate random numbers, derive keys, etc. (like a cryptographic library). All of that usually only needs less than a thousand lines of code.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Strobe. The first step is to find a Strobe implementation (Disco uses Strobe for all the symmetric crypto). Reference implementations of Strobe exist in C and Python, unofficial ones exist in Golang (from yours truly) and in Rust (from Michael Rosenberg). but if you're dealing with another language, you'll have to implement the Strobe specification first!

2. Noise. Read the "How to Read This Document and Implement Disco" section of the Disco specification. What it tells you is to implement the Noise specification but to ignore its SymmetricState and CipherState sections. (You can also ignore any symmetric crypto in there.) You can find Noise libraries in any languages, but implementing it yourself is usually pretty straight forward (here you only really have to implement the HandshakeState).

3. Disco. Once you have that (which should take 500 LOC top), implement the SymmetricState specified by Disco.

4. Tada!

PS: if you want to write one in python, that'd be really great! You can take a look at the already existing implementations here.

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Tamuro meetup in London tonight posted August 2018

I will be at Tamuro tonight. It's a security/crypto meetup where we mostly drink beers and chat.

To know the location you need to solve one of the challenges there summarized here as well:

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